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-- GaryHammond <<DateTime(2012-11-23T02:27:59Z)>>

-- GaryHammond --

Even though I have a college education in Agricultural Mechanization, with some physics and EE courses thrown in, I'm mostly a mechanical "gear head". But I have also dabbled with simple, mostly analog, circuits and projects over the years. I was astounded to just recently learn about Tesla's discoveries that have been suppressed over the years, and decided to check out for myself many of the present day claims and so-called "replications" of his work. That's when I found John Bedini's work and his web site, as well as several other related sources.

I've replicated the SSG as presented in the "Bedini SG - The Complete Handbook Series" e-books from emediapress, which can be obtained from a link lower on this page. I have managed to achieve a 1.25 electrical recovery coefficient of performance with it, not counting the mechanical work done. It has been a great learning tool for me and led me to attend a couple of the "Energy Science and Technology Conferences" where I was personally able to meet with John and others who presented talks and demonstrations of several different related technologies.

Two of the presenters at these conferences were Jim Murray and Paul Babcock, both of whom have constructed low Lenz motors and generators. These devices also recover and recycle a high percentage of the electricity used in them. They are now working on a device which resonates true watts (not VAR's) back and forth between a source and a storage device delivering power both ways, for a demonstrated 50 to 1 power gain. A video of their presentation entitled "Secrets Of Tesla's Power Magnification" is also available from emediapress by clicking the appropriate link lower on the page.

Both of these resources are a good place to start learning about this technology.
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One hour after the end of the run, the primaries had recovered to a standing voltage of 12.87 and the charge battery was resting at 12.81 volts. (This particular charge battery always sits a little lower than the primaries when fully charged). One hour after the end of the run, the primaries had recovered to a standing voltage of 12.87 and the charge battery was resting at 12.81 volts. (This particular charge battery always sits a little lower than the primaries when fully charged.)
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'''If you're still new to the Bedini SG and want to know what it is, make sure to download the free PDF''' [[http://bedinisg.com/bedini_sg.pdf|Click Here]] '''If you're new to the Bedini SG and want to know what it is, make sure to download the free PDF''' [[http://bedinisg.com/bedini_sg.pdf|Click Here]]

Alternative Energy Experiments and Resources

-- GaryHammond --

Even though I have a college education in Agricultural Mechanization, with some physics and EE courses thrown in, I'm mostly a mechanical "gear head". But I have also dabbled with simple, mostly analog, circuits and projects over the years. I was astounded to just recently learn about Tesla's discoveries that have been suppressed over the years, and decided to check out for myself many of the present day claims and so-called "replications" of his work. That's when I found John Bedini's work and his web site, as well as several other related sources.

I've replicated the SSG as presented in the "Bedini SG - The Complete Handbook Series" e-books from emediapress, which can be obtained from a link lower on this page. I have managed to achieve a 1.25 electrical recovery coefficient of performance with it, not counting the mechanical work done. It has been a great learning tool for me and led me to attend a couple of the "Energy Science and Technology Conferences" where I was personally able to meet with John and others who presented talks and demonstrations of several different related technologies.

Two of the presenters at these conferences were Jim Murray and Paul Babcock, both of whom have constructed low Lenz motors and generators. These devices also recover and recycle a high percentage of the electricity used in them. They are now working on a device which resonates true watts (not VAR's) back and forth between a source and a storage device delivering power both ways, for a demonstrated 50 to 1 power gain. A video of their presentation entitled "Secrets Of Tesla's Power Magnification" is also available from emediapress by clicking the appropriate link lower on the page.

Both of these resources are a good place to start learning about this technology.

My Bedini SSG

new SSG 008.jpgnew SSG 002.jpg new SSG 001.jpg

After initial testing and setting the air gap last night the charge battery was completely charged and the primary batteries were down a little, so I took 1 AH (one amp for one hour) out of the charge battery and put the primaries on the 1AU charger overnight.

This morning the primaries were sitting at 13.08 volts and the charge battery was sitting at 12.58 volts. I hooked up the SSG in generator mode while logging the charge on my CBA III analyzer. The current draw on the primaries according to my analog ammeter was 1.6 amps for 29 minutes. The run voltage on the primaries started at 12.54 volts under load and only dropped to 12.52 volts during the run. The charge battery went to 16.0 volts, fully recharged in that 29 minutes.

One hour after the end of the run, the primaries had recovered to a standing voltage of 12.87 and the charge battery was resting at 12.81 volts. (This particular charge battery always sits a little lower than the primaries when fully charged.)

So 1 AH drawn from the charge battery, and it was then recharged by .8 AH from the primaries. That's a COP of 1.25 electrical, and doesn't even include the energy used by the wheel and two fans!!

2-15-14 one AH Discharge.JPG 2-14-14 charge graph.JPG

If you're new to the Bedini SG and want to know what it is, make sure to download the free PDF Click Here

And below are some additional links to other web sites and related information on "FREE ENERGY"

energyscienceforumlogo.png Energy Science Forum

Welcome to John Bedini

John Bedini's Collection of Free Energy Machines

Peter Lindemann's Web Site

John Bedini - Radiant Energy

Laser Hacker Web Page

Flyback Energy Web Site

bedinisg300x[1].jpg bedinissgintermediate300x.jpgbedinisgadvanced300x.jpg Bedini SG - Manuals

teslasradiantenergy300x.jpgTesla's Radiant Energy teslasidealflyingmachine300x.jpg Tesla's Ideal Flying Machine

electricmotorsecrets300x.jpgElectric Motor Secrets Parts 1 & 2 dave3.jpgAdvanced Motor Secrets

paul_babcock_magnetic_energy_secrets.jpgMagnetic Energy Secrets parts 1 & 2 teslashiddendiscoveries300xY.jpg Tesla's Hidden Discoveries

dynafluxalternator300x.jpgJim Murray's Dynaflux Alternator secretofteslaspowermagnification300x.jpgTesla's Power Magnification Secrets

realhistoryofedgraymotor.jpgReal History Of Ed Gray Motor cosmicinductiongenerator300x.jpgCosmic Induction Generator

classicenergyvideoscover.jpgClassic Energy Videos perpetualmotionreality300x.jpgPerpetual Motion Reality

waterfuelsecrets300.jpgWater Fuel Secretshomeenergysavingsbook300.jpgSave On Home Energy

ignitionsecrets200x.jpgIgnition Secretshowtobuildajetengine.jpgHow To Build A Jet Engine

thequantumkey.jpgThe Quantum Key batterysecrets.jpg batteryrejuvenation[1].jpgBattery Secrets and Rejuvenation

CategoryProject CategoryMachine

Alternative Energy Experiments and Resources (last edited 2024-02-26 23:01:26 by GaryHammond)